Monday, October 8, 2012

Quotes Directly from the MB

MAN (appropos to nothing): I hope my knucklehead son remembers to stir the soup.

LITTLE GIRL: Daddy, can I get this candy?
GOOD FATHER: No, you already had candy today.
LITTLE GIRL: See, this is why I want a nice dad.

GOOD FATHER: You can't have candy every day!
LITTLE GIRL: You're so mean every day.

(These two should get their own sitcom. I'd watch it.)

CUTE LITTLE GIRL: What's your name?
ME: My name's Renée. What's your name?
(Long pause, then:)
MOTHER: That's not your name! Tell her your real name!

GRANDMOTHER, to child trying to sneak out candy: NO! If you don't put that back right now, the policeman will come and take it away!

WOMAN (in a different line, completely out of the blue): Why does your name tag say "four years"?
ME: ...I'm sorry?
WOMAN: Your name tag. Why does it say "four years"?
ME: Because I've been working here for four years.
(embarrassed pause)

You can't make this stuff up.

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