Wednesday, May 2, 2012

So...that happened

1. I read The Hunger Games. I know, I'm like four years behind the times, but GUYS, that book is RIDICULOUS. I'm so addicted I'm a little ashamed of myself. Prepare for an onslaught of references in any upcoming blog entries.

2. Blogger changed its format. My quasi-luddite self is having some issues adjusting. This is just like when they changed facebook that one time...and that other time...and last week...and probably next week.

3. With this change of format came some stats about where my traffic is coming from. This led to two surprises, the first being that this blog actually has traffic aside from my parents and their friends (!!!). The second was that a chunk of my traffic is coming from Ivy Gate, which was...puzzling. Come to find out, there's a link there to my "In Defense of Dartmouth...and Greek Life" entry because, hey, I've been quoted extensively on Ivy Gate. Would've been lovely if someone could have dropped me a line about this (I'm looking at you, J.K. Trotter), especially since I was the only person called out by name. If only blogger had some sort of commenting function to facilitate that kind of stuff!

Anyway, although I'm still undecided as to whether or not the article is mocking me mercilessly, I'm rather tickled. Someone found my blog without me having to send them a link in an email titled "READ THIS, THANKS, MOM." So thanks for the traffic, Ivy Gate readers. Hope you've also enjoyed my thoughts on Christmas music and my haikus detailing my life as a supermarket cashier.

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