Sunday, June 6, 2010

Overheard in London

No time for a full post, so here are some overheards:

Tour guide at Tower of London:
"Any Americans here today? You enjoying England and this sunshine? Could've all been yours if you'd paid your taxes."

"All right, everyone, I need you to make a rather large gap so I can get through here. Not that large."

After a really specific list of places and dates: "I'm just making this up folks, you know that."

When there were some stragglers as the tour moved to a new spot: "Come on, you lot, stop sight-seein'!"

"On to the execution site, chop chop!"

"If you liked my tour, my name is Chris...if you didn't you can call me Kevin."

Little girl at the Tower of London: "I'm wearing my most cutest outfit ever!"

Kid at Tower of London, in regards to the Yeoman Warders: "Mum, can we go have a look at the weird men with the funky hats?"

Walking tour guide describing Henry VIII's jewels and finery: "He was a bit like a ginger Mr. T in the 1500s." (She was pretty much spot on, compare them for yourself: Henry VIII vs. Mr. T.)

Guy in Kensington Gardens: "He's got this thing where whenever he meets anyone his own age of the same sex he just hates them. He just instantly dislikes them, yeah."

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