Saturday, July 26, 2008

Merry Christmas in July!

In honor of today - no wait, yesterday - one of the local radio stations played Christmas carols all day. I called Jess and left her a very long voicemail recording of "Dominic the Donkey," which has become not only one of our favorite Christmas songs, but a friendship bonding symbol or something (sort of like "500 Miles" by the Proclaimers). Anyway, even though the novelty wore off pretty quickly, there was still some novelty to it, which was nice. As much as I love summer, I have to admit that it does get kind of monotonous. Particularly when you've had no new emails/facebook notifications in two or more days.

Today was far superior to yesterday. I cleaned my room (finally!) while watching Bend It Like Beckham, one of my favorite movies; got myself a third job (hurray for not being broke!); got my bangs to do what I wanted; and had a great time at the second monthly Sushi Roast (even though we couldn't get a campfire started because of all the rain). I did miss seeing Psych, so I'm gonna go watch it when it repeats at 1:00. AM. I'm so gonna regret this tomorrow. Although...I don't have to be at work until two, I think, so I can sleep fairly late.

That's about it. I thought I actually had a point. I guess I was wrong.

1 comment:

Chris said...

The concept of a sushi roast sounds intriguing, though leaves the actual implementation to the imagination.

(And it's a blog, making a point usually isn't considered an important quality :-P )