Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

Today sees the introduction of a new feature to this blog (possibly the only feature on this blog) entitled Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down. It's pretty self-explanatory.

THUMBS UP: I finished my Jewish studies paper and my proposal for the final paper.

THUMBS DOWN: I have a history paper due Monday at 10 am. I haven't really started it...ish.

THUMBS UP: But Monday at 10:01 will be the most glorious moment of my life, after which I only have my final Jewish studies paper as far as intense assignments go. And that'll be much easier than my history paper.

THUMBS DOWN: There are approximately 3 days, 17 hours and 51 minutes between me and the sweet glory of 10:01 on Monday.

THUMBS UP: Some people's bodies respond to stress by losing weight.

THUMBS DOWN: My body's response to stress is, "OMG!!! Eat your feelings!!! Look! An OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!!!"

THUMBS UP: It was a really good cookie. Mrs. Fields...mmmm.

THUMBS DOWN: The sheer amount of work I have to do precludes my going to the gym to possibly feel less guilty about eating said cookie. Plus, there that whole "lacking endorphins when I most need them" thing.

THUMBS UP: My prof gave me a lot of good tips on paper-writing when I went to his office hours today.

THUMBS DOWN: It was totally intimidating hearing about all this stuff I didn't know to begin with.

THUMBS UP: Amrita did a project on the same topic in high school and she has offered to be my sounding board/editor of sorts.


To sum up: kiddies, no matter how quickly you usually work and how much you usually procrastinate, DON'T anymore. Or, if you must procrastinate, comment and let me know that you have been similarly screwed over by a class assignment (read: yourself).

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Follower: An Identity Revealed

I love you, Kelly.

Stereotypical Political/Election Post

I was going to update all evening, seeing as this is a historic (or, as some people insist on saying, AN historic) event and all, but then I got caught up in eating cotton candy and drinking generic cola in the common area downstairs while watching Indecision 2008. When the results came in on CNN, everyone jumped up and started screaming and hugging. It felt like New Years, but with some actual cultural significance. Here's hoping Barack Obama is better at keeping resolutions than I am.

So, in the spirit of excitement, Michi and David and I decided to walk to the Green, expecting that there would be some sort of gathering there. Wrong. We did, however, have fun lying in the (empty) street and taking pictures of us imitating the pedestrian symbol painted on the ground near the crosswalk. We then proceeded to walk around campus and return home in time to watch Obama's speech on Dee's laptop (yay for streaming television!). Apparently there are people on the Green now. I can here them screaming from all the way across campus. Jeez, you miss out on so much when you're ahead of your time like the three of us were. I seriously don't know what I'm going to do without Michi and David when they go to the Latino conference this weekend. I mean, we've already christened me an honorary Mexican. I should be an honorary candidate, too.

They're letting off fireworks now? Seriously? I mean, I know we're in New Hampshire and it's therefore legal (unlike in my lovely home state of Massachusetts, where people just drive fifteen minutes over the border to legally buy fireworks and then proceed to illegally set them off - loudly - in Massachusetts at inconvenient times, such as when one is trying to sleep or have a phone conversation), but come on! I feel so left out!

I have to be up at 7:00 tomorrow morning for 7:45 drill, and I still have some reading to do, so I'd better get going. But one more exciting (?) thing before I go - my blog has ONE follower.

Thanks, Mom, but I don't need your pity. That's why I moved out.

Just kidding. I don't know who this person is because I haven't bothered to check yet, but thank you. You are my light, my self-esteem-booster, my--

Oh shoot, I left my laundry in the laundry room. I haven't switched to the dryer yet. Now I have to leave it there overnight. 
