Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blame Ryan

Oooh boy, a brand-spanking new thing for me to waste time on! As if incessantly checking my email and facebook accounts wasn't enough to contribute to my brain rot, I now have this blog (ding-sparkle-sparkle). Hurrah! I can now torture others with my insane and useless thoughts on everything.

But don't blame me. Blame Ryan. On Sunday he had to go and make the following comment: " I wish Renee had a blog. I'd so read it."

Well, wish granted, Ryan. You might be the ONLY one who reads it (besides my narcissistic self, of course), but that's beside the point.

At any rate, I have nothing more to say at this point. You'd think that I would, considering I just went through the trouble of getting an account (an arduous three-step process), but alas and alack, I do not.

And so ends the first of what I assume will be more than a few anti-climactic posts. You know who to blame.

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