Friday, July 4, 2008

10 Things to Do When Your Internet is Down

10. Scroll down your favorites list, looking at all the sites you want but can't access.
9. Play Minesweeper.
8. I mean actually play it, not just click randomly until you die.
7. Clean out your "My Documents" folder.
6. Get distracted by all the weird stuff you actually saved in your "My Documents" folder four years ago and have never re-viewed until now.
5. Continually refresh your Internet, in hopes that the torture has ended. (It has to eventually. IT MUST!!!)
4. Smack your computer monitor as if it were a person you were smacking upside the head.
3. Customize the Minesweeper window so it's 24x36 with only ten mines. Maybe now you'll finally win.
2. Silently (or not-so-silently) curse your Internet provider, modem, wireless connection, computer, store that sold you the modem and the wireless connection, etc.
1. Permanently delete Minesweeper from your computer. Take that, you smarmy bugger.

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